Asian Raptor – Raptor Indonesia

Tag: Asian Raptor

Elang Tikus

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Berukuran 30 cm. Berwarna putih, abu-abu dan hitam. Berbecak hitam pada bahu, bulu primer hitam panjang khas. Apabila mereka sudah dewasa, mereka berciri-ciri: terdapat mahkota di punggung, sayap pelindung dan bagian pangkal ekor abu-abu

The 11th ARRCN International Symposium, Bali, Indonesia

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The 11th ARRCN International Symposium will be held on October 10-11, 2019. This event is organized by the Indonesia Ornithologist Union (IdOU) and the Frank Williams Museum of the Bird of Bali Udayana University, along with the ARRCN.

This upcoming International Symposia will carry out theme of “Strengthening collaboration for supporting research and raptors’ conservation”.